About ECrowd

Yingli partners with ECrowd! to offer financial products for Self-consumption PV Projects in Spain

Baoding, China and Madrid, Spain; May 18, 2017 – Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Ltd. («Yingli» or «Yingli Solar») (NYSE:YGE), …

ECrowd! receives the license from the CNMV to operate as a collaborative finance platform

Wednesday, 6th july 2016
ECrowd! amongst the first crowdlending platforms in Spain to be licensed

ECrowd!, the crowdlending platform for positive impact …

How collective intelligence can create a better world, today

ECrowd! launches a program to streamline the due diligence process to finance sustainable energy projects
Horizon 2020 Call: H2020-SMEINST-1-2015
Topic: SIE-01-2015-1
Type of …

How does ECrowd! ensure that my funds are only used for the chosen project: project finance

As an investor in ECrowd!, or any other crowdlending platform, you lend money to a company, based on a proposal …