
UK Crowdlending market to reach £ 200 million in 2013


UK based Nesta has publised a report on the “Rise of Future Finance” and covers alternative finance, including P2B UK …

Crowdfunding or crowdlending, which one is for me?

Should I do crowdfunding or crowdlending?
Lately you hear a lot about crowdfunding and crowdlending, especially since the publication of the …

Should I be worried about bad loans ?

Crowdlending vs. bad loans
As we have explained in our post about diversification you should never invest all your wealth in …

Video: crowdlending to finance energy efficiency

Here you can find an amazing video explaining the difference between crowdlending and crowdfunding and how crowdlending can help to …

Why do banks pay me interest on my savings accounts?

Why do banks pay interest on my savings?
Ever wonder why a bank pays you interest on the money deposited in …

Impact investing using debt crowdfunding

Definition of debt crowdfunding or crowdlending
Crowdlending or debt crowdfunding allows individuals to lend money directly to other individuals or businesses. Another name …

Impact investing: making an impact is easier than you think.

Definition of Impact Investing
Impact Investing is investing with the intention to generate a positive social impact beyond financial results. The …

Crowdlending – Democratizing financial services

Lately the word Crowdfunding has become very popular. With crowdfunding a group of people fund a project in exchange for …

Pension Fund Performance

This post is related to the » Return on investment funds | monkey and expert» where Pablo Fernandez shows the …

Average return of your investment fund | the monkey and the expert

During my final year in college, I remember reading a book called “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” by Burton …